About US

Those philosophical ideas that encompass the domains of philosophy and religions and the idea of divinities, particularly God, keep on being bantered as they have been for a huge number of years. Suppositions multiply all over and in actuality anyplace and wherever where at least two people are in closeness. There's the theist side; there's the nonbeliever side. There aren't an excess of fence-sitters. I'm in the skeptic camp as this aiding of a portion of my religious musings in regards to God illustrate.

Concerning's Creation

*Fairy Tale #1: In The Beginning.

So on the off chance that I get this right, God (Mr. Yahweh) made the Universe 13.8 billion years back however in the end got drained and exhausted with it. Quick forward to exactly 4.5 billion years back and He added to His land realm by making The Earth (and also the Sun and whatever is left of the close planetary system). Eventually He got exhausted with this hunk of sterile shake thus around 4 billion years prior He made little microorganisms for His delight, at the end of the day following a couple of billion years He got exhausted with them as well - they weren't great organization or admirers. So somewhere in the range of 500 - 600 million years back He raised the stakes and made multi-cell critters, and after that different kinds of multi-cell critters, and so on., and so forth., and so forth, all of which additionally turned out to be somewhat aloof organization and didn't revere Him either. What a bummer! At that point at long, long, long last comes His "Aha" minute (a few million years back) and He made those primate 'people' and eventually advanced them into present day people exactly 200,000 years prior. Terrible misstep! To make a long transient story significantly more, He very quickly from there on lamented His making of people (and of multi-cell critters as well) and suffocated about the entire part of them. Such a great amount for His omniscience!

So it takes God at least 13.8 billion years to get around to making (and afterward about pulverizing) the claimed apex of His creation (i.e. - us). How likely is that situation? Doomed impossible for a genuine divinity!

*Fairy Tale #2: Once Upon A Time.

So here we have anthropological/archeological proof of human religious and otherworldly convictions stretching out back no less than 50,000 years as archived by confirmation of real grave merchandise covered alongside people suggestive of faith in an existence in the wake of death, among different lines of confirmation. Quick forward now somewhere in the range of 45,000 years after the fact on down the track and unexpectedly Mr. Yahweh makes His stupendous passage, but to a somewhat little and uneducated gathering of people.

"So here I am people, I'm Mr. Enormous" [at minimum as far as ego]. "I'm your One True God and you will have no different divine beings previously Me - or disaster will be imminent!" Further, Mr. Yahweh just gives His enormous "I Exist" articulation to a small band of rather crude goat/sheep herders in only one little land some portion of the possessed world as opposed to broadcasting His "I exist" to all people groups in all social orders in all occupied topographical territories (counting the Americas, Australia and Asia). Obviously around then He made no say of His prospective sidekick and Right-Hand Man, Jesus. What articulate unadulterated ox-like compost determined babble! So go ahead, how about we get extremely genuine here - this is narrating, just legends and tall tales exhibited for people by people and around then an exceptionally select gathering of people at that.
